Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure

Last Updated: 17/02/2024

Welcome to Admoure! Our commitment to transparency is paramount, and we want to ensure you have a clear understanding of how we operate in the realm of affiliate marketing.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

In the vast digital landscape, content creation and curation come with their own set of costs. To sustain and grow Admoure, we occasionally use affiliate marketing as a means to generate revenue. This affiliate marketing program involves the use of affiliate links, a common practice where we may earn a small commission when you make a purchase through the links provided on our website.

What are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are special URLs that track the traffic and sales generated through our site. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may earn a commission. It’s essential to note that the use of these links does not incur any additional cost to you. Instead, the commission is a form of compensation provided by the affiliated company as a way of expressing gratitude for directing a customer to their product or service.

Why We Use Affiliate Links

Running a blog centered around sustainability and vintage living involves ongoing costs, including website hosting, content creation, community engagement initiatives, and more. To cover these expenses and continue providing valuable content, we have integrated affiliate marketing into our business model. This strategy allows us to generate income while maintaining the integrity of our content.

Selectivity in Affiliate Partnerships

We are discerning in our choice of affiliate partnerships, collaborating only with companies and brands that align with our core values of sustainability, vintage living, and ethical business practices. Our commitment is to recommend products and services that we genuinely believe in and that resonate with the principles upheld by Admoure.

Transparency as Our Guiding Principle

Transparency is at the core of our relationship with our audience. We want you to feel confident and informed about our affiliate relationships. While we may earn a commission through affiliate links, please understand that this does not influence our editorial content. Our recommendations are based on genuine appreciation for the products and services we feature.

“Post May Contain Affiliate Links” Disclaimer

We want to make it explicitly clear that some of the posts on Admoure may contain affiliate links. This means that, when you click on these links and make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Your support through these links is instrumental in enabling us to sustain and grow Admoure.

How Affiliate Commissions Support Admoure

The commissions earned through affiliate links contribute directly to the operational costs associated with maintaining Admoure. These funds are reinvested into content creation, website maintenance, community engagement initiatives, and improvements to enhance your overall experience on our platform.

Affiliate Partnerships: An Ethical Stance

We recognize the responsibility that comes with affiliate marketing, and we approach it with the utmost ethical considerations. Our goal is to build trust with our community by providing honest, well-researched recommendations. If you choose to make a purchase through our affiliate links, know that your support is invaluable in enabling us to sustain and grow Admoure.

Your Support Matters

If you find value in the content, insights, and resources we provide, we appreciate your support through the use of our affiliate links. Your decision to make a purchase through these links directly contributes to the continued existence and improvement of Admoure. We are deeply grateful for your support, and it motivates us to consistently deliver valuable content to our community.

Have Questions or Concerns?

Your satisfaction and trust are our top priorities. If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate relationships, the products/services we recommend, or any other aspect of Admoure, we encourage you to reach out to us at We are here to provide clarity, address your inquiries, and ensure that you have a positive and informed experience while navigating our platform.

Conclusion: Thank You for Your Trust

Thank you for choosing Admoure as your go-to source for sustainability and vintage living inspiration. Your trust is the foundation of our community, and we remain committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and authenticity. Together, we can continue on this journey towards a more intentional and sustainable lifestyle.